Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sirens In the Distance

As I was lying in bed last night I was thinking about God and His Word, as I often do. I was asking Him to reveal Himself to me in a mighty way. I want to know the truth from God's perspective and at the same time I want Him to correct me in areas where I may be in error. I was mentioning how I have a tendency to come on too strong and some people they take me for being arrogant. Many mistake my love for them and my concern for their eternal wellbeing as hatred for them and their ways. They just don't seem to grasp my concern.  I wish many more could see the things I see. Then maybe many more would understand. I have a passion for the truth which many do not share. I wish they did.

 Perhaps it is because I have an extreme sense, deep down in my spirit, that we are running out of time. Who knows? Maybe I am running out of time. It just seems like the end is closing in fast and many are in a state of denial. This sense has been building stronger and stronger over the past three or four years and it seems like lately there are alarms going off all over the place, but people aren't paying any attention to them. That concerns me. I fear for the lost and the complacent.

As I sit in my house, at my computer, there are sirens going off in close proximity to our house as I write. When I first moved back into the city I would usually jump up quickly to see what was going on. Last night there were also sirens going off while I was trying to sleep and I thought to myself, I wonder where they are going now? The point is that they are going off almost all the time, and unless they are right outside my window I no longer pay any attention to them. They are just something in the distance and it is not any of my business.

Unfortunately, that is how many believers in Messiah view the current events in this world today. The Scriptures have given us clear signs of what to be watching for, and these things are happening right before our eyes. However, they have been so regular in their occurrences that we have been tuning them out. Many have become weary from hearing about them and have learned to just shut them out. Sure ISIS is beheading Christians in Iraq, Syria, and other places. Sure Islamic terrorist groups are kidnapping schoolgirls in Nigeria, but that's not in my neighborhood. Sure there is an Ebola epidemic in northwest Africa and a few cases here in America, but that does not concern me. Sure anti-Semitism is spreading rapidly throughout Europe, but those sirens are over on the other side of the world and not in my neighborhood. I hate to tell you this, but those sirens are right outside our windows. It's time to awaken out of our sleep. It's too late when the trucks pull up in front of our house. Make yourself ready. Watch and pray that you may be found worthy to escape the destruction that is about to come upon the whole earth. Don't be one of those who are spoken about in 2 Peter 3:4 where it says, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

Barry W. Gaugler

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