Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Biblical View or World View (What Standard Should We Follow?)

I keep hearing the expression, "That's not the world view." as though the world view is the correct view. The thinking is that if you are not in agreement with the World view, you are some kind of freak or misfit. There can only be two views. There is the Biblical view which is founded upon God's standard for living, and based upon Scripture revealed by the Holy Spirit, or there is the World view which is secular and has its foundation built upon the fallen nature of man. As believers in Messiah, it is sometimes difficult to make a distinction between which is which. The accuser is very quick to send up his smoke screens to make us think we are following the Biblical view, when in fact we are not. How are we to know the difference?

I once heard a story that new bank tellers were put in a room for several days doing nothing but counting money by hand. This was all a part of their training. The idea was that they would become extremely sensitive to the feel, smell, look and texture of real money. They were to become so familiar with these characteristics that if a counterfeit bill would hit their hands they would know it immediately. It was all about being so familiar with their daily procedures that it would be extremely difficult to pass off something fake to them.

If we are truly one of God's children, we should be hungering and thirsting to know His ways and know His word with this type of familiarity.  How many believers in Yeshua (Jesus) are so familiar with the Scriptures by which we are to conduct our everyday lives that we can say, "It is written?" Sadly, most only know a few passages of Scripture. Often the few Scriptures they do know are taken out of context to defend themselves when they are confronted with truth. We've all heard the expression, "Who are you to judge me?" The sad part is that by saying those words, they themselves are passing judgment. By saying those words they are placing themselves on a higher plane because they believe themselves righteous in their own eyes and you are interfering with their notion of right and wrong.

One day while listening to Christian radio, I noticed that three radio pastors were talking about Scripture as though it was the world view. Something just did not sit right with me. Looking back over their messages, I noticed something very peculiar. One was speaking about the eminent return of Jesus to rapture his church out of here and take them to heaven. The second had the same theme, but coming from a different denominational angle. The third had the typical send me money and you will be blessed theme. Then it dawned on me. The reason they were talking so much about the world view was because that was exactly how they were approaching the Scriptures. They approached God's word from a world secular view instead of from a Holy Spirit revealed Biblical view.

If we claim to have a love for our God and His Messiah, how can we not have a desire burning within our hearts to know His words? In the early days of our relationship, my wife and I were separated for months. I knew I was in love with her and had a burning in my heart to hear from her as often as I possibly could. Every letter that came was met with excitement and joy. She tells me it was the same way with her. If there is not an excitement and joy every time you read the Bible, perhaps you should examine yourself to see if you really are in the faith. Pray that God would instill in you a love for Him and His word. He's ready to give you what you ask for. The world view isn't going to get you into His kingdom. 

Every aspect of our life should be performed as though Yeshua is right there with us. We are to capture every thought and submit it unto the Holy Spirit for His approval. We may live in a secular world, but we are not to be of this world. Contrary to the old saying that says, "We are not to be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good." We are to pray without ceasing. When we are heavenly minded, it is the only time that we can be earthly good. Otherwise we are only operating from our fallen nature and expressing the world view.


Barry W. Gaugler 

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