Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Harbingers From The Ancient Hebrew Scriptures

Long before Jonathan Cahn came out with his New York Times best seller "The Harbinger"  I have been giving warnings about God's anger with America. We are a nation that was founded upon Biblical principles, by men who were deeply devoted to seeking God's guidance and favor for this nation. I understand there are people who try to deny this fact, but they are just simply ignorant of real history. Yes there was a freemason influence among our Founding Fathers, but the majority were men of the cloth, teaching and believing sound Biblical principles. There are too many documents from our founding fathers own pens remaining today, to refute those who wish to rewrite history. In order to advance their evil agenda, they have been working  hard to bring America into ignorance about our past. They write books about our history with no footnotes. Who needs footnotes, they say. They say this because they have nothing to support their lies. Give me footnotes. Give me the source from where your information is coming. The truth is readily available to anyone who is honest enough to seek for it. If you cannot give it to me, I will assume the reason is, because it is fictitious. This nation was brought about by men who believed in God. They humbled themselves before Him, sought His guidance and believed in His Providence. 

Soon after America gained their independence from England, Haiti was seeking independence  from France and turned their attention to Satan for their help. In 1804, Haiti gained their independence. The results are obvious. America has been the most blessed nation on earth, as long as we were following after God's ways. Haiti on the other hand is one of the most poverty stricken and cursed nations on earth. The nation to this day is heavily into voodoo and witchcraft. The evidence is right before your eyes, if you will only see it.

While reading the Book of Deuteronomy soon after the 9/11/2001 attack on America, I had a revelation to something I had not previously noticed. I came across the Scriptures concerning the blessings and curses God had given to His people Israel in chapter 28. I believe the words of Almighty God to be eternal. If, He says these things to His Israel, the natural bloodline of Abraham, He also intends for them to apply to Abraham's seed by faith. I do not believe in a natural and a spiritual Israel. I do not believe the Scriptures teach that. We are Abraham's seed, by faith. It's supernatural. One people, one God.

While reading this chapter, I could only wonder in agreement with all the blessings God had promised to His people, as long as they were following His ways. It was very easy to apply these blessings to America. When I was a child, there could have been no doubt.  We were the most God fearing nation on earth. We were also, without a doubt, the most blessed nation on earth. There had never been a successful attack upon American soil. We had God's protection. Then I came to verse 15 and it stood apart from the previous 14 verses. It said this;

"But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee."  (KJV)

I thought on that verse for quite some time. I thought about how we kicked prayer and Bible reading out of our schools. I thought about how abortion kills countless unborn ever year and how we pass out condoms to school children. I thought about the normalization of the gay lifestyle and how God calls it an abomination. As I continued reading, more verses started to stick out like the proverbial sore thumb. There are many, but for the sake of brevity, I shall only point to the ones that should be perfectly clear to any thinking person. Verses 49 & 50 says this:

"The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; A nation of  fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favor to the young." (KJV)

Ask yourself a few questions about the above verses. Who were the people that attacked us? Where did they come from? They were Saudi people, or descendants of the ancient Assyrians. They are the exact same people who attacked ancient Israel to breach their defenses and later defeat them. They came from the other side of the earth. How did they attack us?  They attacked us as swift as the eagle flies and exactly in the same manner an eagle attacks its prey. They attacked from the sky upon an unsuspecting prey. Who would have thought we were about to be attacked? I had never given it a moment's thought. What about you? How many Americans are familiar with, or speak Arabic? Did any of the people on the planes used in the attack understand what the hijackers were saying? If they did, perhaps, they may have been able to stop them. Many people today look upon the appearance of radical Islamists and view them as a fierce looking people. Many understand that they don't care whom they kill. Young, or old, it does not matter to them, as long as it's in the name of Allah. Those who died in these attacks ranged from infants to the very aged. Now notice the words in the first half of verse 52 where it says this;

" And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land;"  (KJV)

I don't think God could be any more clear about what He is saying. Think about this. Ponder it in your mind. Chew on it. What do the high and fenced walls represent in this passage of Scripture? The high walls represent the World Trade Center. Both buildings fell. Both our economy and the economies of the world were attacked. What about the fenced walls? The fenced walls speak of the walled cities in ancient times. Their walls represented the first line of defense a city had against an attack. A city with strong walls was difficult to breach. The other building attacked was the Pentagon. The Pentagon is a representation of our nations defense. Its walls were breached. This was not a random incident, or an accident. It was the direct fulfillment of prophesy given by God, thirty five hundred years ago. It was a warning. It was a harbinger. Those who perpetrated this attack, had no idea they were fulfilling prophesy.

God is speaking to this nation. I can see it clearly. Oh, that this nation would repent and turn back to God that it might be saved. I fear that it may be too late and we may have gone too far. It is a Biblical principle that if God's people turn from Him and seek after corruption,  He would send corrupt leaders until we are destroyed. We will bear the consequences of going our own way and departing from God's instruction. Proverbs 1: 29 - 32 gives this warning;

"Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of ADONAI, they refused my council and despised my reproof. So they will bear the consequences of their own way and be overfilled with their own schemes. For the aimless wandering of the thoughtless will kill them, and the smug overconfidence of fools will destroy them." (CJB)

 In our turning from God, He is sending us leaders that do not know Him. What does it take for us to come to grips with this truth? When the attacks came upon America, we were unified for about a week. I remember all the flag waving and the expressions of "God Bless America." I had hope that this nation would once again return to God and His ways, but it was short lived. How soon the media removed the reminders of this horrific event from our television screens. How soon, the Muslim religion was called the religion of peace, even though the Muslim nations were at war with every nation at their borders?  How soon did political correctness invade our free speech and freedom to travel?

How did America respond to the attacks? Did we humble ourselves before God and repent? No. We returned right back to our lives and in our arrogance declared, "We will rebuild." This is exactly what was said in ancient Israel when the Assyrians breached their walls and destroyed their cities. Have you ever heard the expression; "History repeats itself?" There is another quote that says; "Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to relive it." We need to learn from the words God gave to the prophet Isaiah where he says in Chapter 9:8-11;

"The LORD sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel. And all the people shall know. even Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria, that say in their pride and stoutness of heart, The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. Therefore the LORD shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him, and join his enemies together."  (KJV)

When I look back upon our recent history, it is no wonder God is not blessing America. On November 14th, 2003 The state of Alabama removed State Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore. What was his despicable crime? He had the audacity to display the Ten Commandments in his court house. When you add to the mix the number of innocents slaughtered in the abortion mills everyday, is it any wonder, why God is no longer blessing America? This nation was once called the food basket of the world. With the hurricanes, floods, fires, droughts, tornadoes and excess rain we have had in recent years, we can no longer make that claim. There will be food shortages coming and our financial institutions will fail. Just as our stock market failed in 2008, another failure is coming. It is not a matter of  if, but rather a matter of when. I must admit that I would be surprised if America is still a strong nation at the end of the year 2015. That is not meant to be a prediction, and I certainly hope I am wrong. We need to Wake Up America! We need to repent and return to God. If we don't, it will be Game Over.

Barry W. Gaugler

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Is There Really a Creator? (Part 2) Creation vs. Science

In this world, there seems to be a constant battle between those, who believe Science holds the answers to this worlds existnece, and those who believe in the Biblical account of Creation. Many have faith to believe, that Science holds the answers to the universe, and that Creation is a myth, and  having faith in a Creator is just plain foolishness. Is that true? Has science proven creation to be a myth, or has science in fact proven creation to be the truth? The more science tries to prove creation to be a myth, the more questions arise, that science is unable to answer. I believe this is exactly as our Creator has designed it to be. In the book of Proverbs, Chapter 19 and verse 3,  we read these words;

"The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth  against the LORD." (KJV)

When man, in his arrogance, and apart from the Almighty, thinks he has all the answers to the universe, you can be certain that the Creator will always prove him to be foolish. Man may try his best to answer the tough questions, but at the same time, cannot answer the questions, that to the Creator are simple questions. A few examples are as follows. 

Why do we need sleep? How does the body heal itself while we sleep? Where does life come from, and where does it go when something dies? How is the life of plants different from the life of animals? What is intelligence? How did it come about? Where did it come from?  How do even plants have a form of intelligence, even though they do not have a brain? What is gravity, and how does it work? If the universe is constantly expanding, as science says it is, how do the planets circle the sun, traveling trillions upon trillions of miles exactly in a precise orbit year after year, for thousands of years, down to the exact nanosecond? How does the moon circle the earth with the same precision? How can this precision be so accurate, that even man can calculate when the next meteor shower will arrive, or the next comet will come into view?  How can every snowflake be different from every other snowflake that ever was, or will be? With the billions of people, that have ever lived upon the face of the earth, how can no two fingerprints perfectly match those of another? How can every human, animal, or plant that ever lived, or ever will live have its own uniqueness?  How can no sunset, sunrise, or cloud formation, ever be duplicated exactly the same? Surely with the Creator in His infinite wisdom, these things are no problem with Him, and man has no clue, as to how to answer these questions. If I am to have faith in science, that all these things just randomly happened, I'm sorry, but I just don't have that kind of faith
The Bible tells us clearly in Proverbs 9:10;

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."

I have a few questions for those who believe in the big bang theory, stellar nucleosynthesis and evolution. Because I have been at this for a long time, and also have a love for real science, I could probably go on for days asking questions like these, but time and space is short, so I will just throw out a few questions that drive the Big Bang theorists, and evolutionists crazy.

The first question is for those who believe in the "Big Bang Theory".

What caused it? Out of some small particle, there came a huge explosion, and because of that explosion, through stellar nucleosynthisis all matter, the universe and everything in it came into being. How did this tiny particle through stellar nuclear synthesis keep multiplying itself into all the elements and matter known today, and yet to be discovered in the future?. How did it turn into planets, stars, comets, asteroids, bacteria, mammals, birds, fish, minerals, and everything else? If I drop a bomb onto a city, does it produce precise organization and order, or does it create chaos? For that matter, does any explosion create precision and order of things? Of course not. It takes a totally irrational and deceived mind to believe that an explosion creates anything, other than chaos. In order to believe that, you have to purposefully abandon all reason and common sense.

The following questions are about nature, and are very simple questions that make absolutely no sense without an all knowing Creator. 

In the tropics, there is a butterfly called the Heliconius butterfly. It feeds on the pollen of only two vines. Both of these vines produce a flower, that is neither attractive to bees, nor other pollinating insects, nor do they have a smell to attract pollinating insects. However, these plants, and these butterflies could not exist without each other.  How did these butterflies know exactly where to go to find these vines? How many would have died before they randomly searched for, and found these vines, which are their only food source? How else would these vines be pollinated? They would soon cease to exist without the butterflies.  It should be quite obvious, that a loving Creator provided for both the vine, and the butterfly.

What about something that works as efficiently, as say, our eyes? Have you ever given much thought to the probability, that our eyes, just happened by chance? Have you ever considered how the eyes came to work in conjunction with our brains?  How did the different types of cells develop on their own? How did they know how to join themselves together to make vision possible? How did they come together in such a way, that they can detect movement, focus on shapes, colors, distance, brightness, or darkness? Even Charles Darwin, the father of the theory of evolution, had this to say about the eye, when he wrote;

 "To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."

 I do not often agree with Charles Darwin, but in this instance, I believe he may have had a moment of revelation. Now consider this fact. Every human being, every animal that walks, crawls, or slithers upon the earth, every bird, or insect has eyes that are unique to their species. Do you really think it happened without a God? I'm sorry, but I do not have that much faith. 

We are often told, that no serious scientist today believes in Creation. Is that really true. The fact is that many highly regarded scientists believe in a Creator. Dr. Wernher von Braun, was very much a believer in Creation. He was perhaps the greatest rocket scientist of the last century, and was instrumental for the United State's, Saturn V rocket, which put our first men on the moon. In 1972, von Braun was asked to comment on the case for design, as a scientific theory for the origin of the universe. The following is his response: 

"For me, the idea of a creation is not conceivable without invoking the necessity of design. One cannot be exposed to the law and order of the universe without concluding that there must be design and purpose…. While the admission of a design for the universe ultimately raises the question of a Designer (a subject outside of science), the scientific method does not allow us to exclude data which lead to the conclusion that the universe, life and man are based on design…."Some people say that science has been unable to prove the existence of a Designer…. But they still maintain that since science has provided us with so many answers, the day will soon arrive when we will be able to understand even the creation of the fundamental laws of nature without divine intent. They challenge science to prove the existence of God. But must one really light a candle to see the sun?" 

When Mount St. Hellens erupted, with a furious explosion, in 1980, the evolutionists in the scientific community claimed it would take generations for the sterile and barren  land to recover from the blast, and once again produce life. However, the United States Forrest Service has reported that every species of plant and animal had returned within only five years after the explosion. Spirit Lake is once again supporting fish, after only five years. Based on the evironmentalist theory, that evolution was a slow process, they have proven themselves wrong. Science and evolution failed miserably in this instance.

I like to ask those who believe in evolution, How do you explain language? How do you explain the fact, that we can hear and speak? How did these abilities evolve from apes, which do not have vocal chords? If man has evolved from monkeys through a series of evolutionary steps, why is it we still have monkeys, and we have man, but all of the steps in between are no longer with us? Birds are the only other animals that have vocal tracts, but does anyone suggest, that we have evolved from birds? The whole concept, that language just happened is ludicrous.

There are people on this earth who think with the brain their Creator has given them, and there are people on this earth who learn what they are taught. They just accept, that their teachers are smarter than they are, and believe everything they say. They do not challenge them, for fear of receiving a poor grade, or for fear of ridicule. If you are told a lie often enough, you will believe it. The wisdom of our Creator is foolishness with man, as the wisdom of man is foolishness with God. I do not believe in evolution, because it is foolishness. I believe in the Creator, because I have a brain, and can think for myself. Like I said earlier, I could go on for days exploring the foolishness of "The Big Bang Theory" and "Evolution." It's just too easy for any honest thinking person.

 Just remember this. If you could have every part of a Rolex watch in a small box, and you started shaking that box. You could shake that box until a thousand generations of cows come home, and you will not have a Rolex watch, assembled, and able to keep proper time. Why not?  Everything needed for a Rolex watch is there. Everything necessary for a functioning watch is present. Random movement of its parts will never make it work. It needs a being to make it function. You can  have a dead animal with all its parts present. You can give it fresh blood from another animal of the same species, pump fresh air into its lungs, and food into its belly, but you cannot give it life. All life comes from our Creator. Man cannot produce it, nor can he reproduce it. Yet, some would have us believe that it all just happened by chance, without any intelligence. Like Mr. Spock would say, "That is illogical."

Shalom Ahlaychem,

Barry W. Gaugler

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Is There Really a Creator? (Part 1) Israel

Is there really a Creator? That may seem like a strange question. Is there a Creator, and can He be proven to exist? Did life begin from some warm primordial ooze, or did the universe, and the elements start with a Big Bang, or stellar nucleosynthesis? Did all animal and plant life evolve, or were they created? Do all the planets revolve around the sun by the precision of design, or by random chance? I personally believe there is a Creator. That may seem like a prejudicial statement to some, but had He not proven Himself to me over and over again, I would probably have room for my own skepticism.

 Do I reject Science? Heavens no! In fact, I  love Science. Without Science, I could never build a successful race motor, design an antenna for a specific frequency, or wave length, or even cook a delicious meal. Many discoveries have been made through Science, and without it, we would still be living in the Dark Ages. In fact, Science is constantly proving Biblical truths at an astounding rate. Religion has nothing to do with it. It is simply a matter of applying the principles laid down in Scripture according applied Science. The problem today, is that many look upon theory, as though it is fact. This is a fact. Theory is not fact. Theory is an idea yet to be proven.

Is there sound evidence that a Creator really does exist? Are there things that can be observed over time, and be pronounced as fact? I believe, one only has to look at the nation of Israel, to have proof positive, that a Creator does indeed exist. Not only does He exist, but there is positive evidence, that He cares about what He has Created. The Bible clearly tells us about our heavenly Father's plan for His people Israel. Our Father has made covenants with the people of Israel, through men like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. If there really is a Creator, then the things He says about these people Israel must absolutely come to pass. For instance, if the Creator said, if Israel would turn their backs on Him, despise His commandments, and fall into idolatry,  then He would drive them from the land He promised their fathers, and scatter them among all the nations of the earth, and their land would lie desolate, as we read in  Leviticus 26:32-35; Deuteronomy. 4:27. This must happen if our Creator is real. Did it happen? Of course it did. The evidence is, that our heavenly Father knows the end from the beginning. 

We all know their temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70C.E., and the Jewish people were scattered throughout the whole world,  just as our Creator said He would do in His Scriptures, through His prophets. We also know for a fact, that the land sat desolate for about two thousand years, unproductive, dry, and desert like, while inhabited mostly by Arab peoples.

 However, the Creator also made a promise to the Hebrew people that He would not forget the covenant He made with their fathers, and they would not totally be destroyed from off the earth. [ Lev. 26:42-46  &  Isa. 65: 8&9 ] Where are all of the other ancient nations and peoples mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures? Where are the Hittites, or the Ashdodites? Where are the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Perizzites. Where are the Phillistines, or the Moabites? They are all gone. Our Creator did not have a covenant with them, and they have vanished off the face of the earth. Every one of these nations cursed Israel, and was constantly at war with the Israelites. In Genesis 12:2 & 3, The Creator made a promise to Abram (later Abraham) saying,

 "I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great: and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall families of the earth be blessed."

 Every one of these nations cursed Israel, and today, they are gone according to the Creator's promise. Since the promises of God are extended throughout all of eternity, this promise to Abraham cannot be broken.

 Now think about this. Can you name one nation, or people in all of history that came against the Hebrew people, and were blessed? Egypt? No way! Even the people who live in Egypt today, are not from the descendants of the time of Pharaoh. They are Arabs. Babylon? You're kidding right? The Romans? Oh, they are a great world power today, aren't they? What about Spain? At one time, they were the world power, and most of the New World was controlled by them, but after the Spanish Inquisition was over, they were brought to nothing. What do they control today? How about modern times? Germany slaughtered six million Jews, and that nation was divided in two, and its capital was quartered for a full generation. What resulted was the establishment of the nation of Israel. Boy! That sure worked out for the Germans. Didn't it?

It can also be seen in the condition of Great Britain, because of their treatment of the Jewish people, while Israel was in their custodial care. They murdered and imprisoned Zionist rebels in great numbers, and refused the Israelis aid, when they were attacked by their Muslim neighbors, following their independence. When I was a child, there was a saying, that the sun never sets on the Union Jack. Since Israel has became an independent nation, that is no longer true. Great Britain once had the largest navy on the face of the earth, and ruled the seas. That is also, no longer true.

 Moreover, the God of Israel promised,  He would return His people to Jerusalem from the nations of the east, the west, and the north countries, and that He would dwell there with them. [ Zech. 8: 1-8 & Ezek. 34: 11-16 ] He even told Israel how long it would be, that they would be scattered without their homeland, and when He would revive them.  [ Hosea 6: 1 & 2 ]  Remember that a  day with the Almighty is, as a thousand years with man.  [ Psalm 90: 4 & 2nd Peter 3:8 ]  The Father in heaven said, He would bring forth His nation in one day. [ Isa. 66:8]   He also said, In the Last Days, His Beloved City (Jerusalem) would be a burdensome stone to the nations, exactly as it is today. [ Zech. 12:3 ] Jerusalem is a burdensome stone to the nations, just as God said in the Scriptures, it would be. The nations of this world refuse to recognize Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel, even though it is the seat of the Israeli government.  Even the United States and Great Britain refuse, as of this day, to recognize this fact. The United Nations insists that Jerusalem is an international city. What other country's capital is not recognized by the rest of the world? I know of none. The Creator of the universe has His plan for Jerusalem, and He doesn't care what the United Nations, Great Britain, or the United States thinks.

Consider these facts, and then think about what is happening right before our very eyes today. The Creator said, He would scatter the people of Israel throughout all the nations of the earth, because of their sins against His Torah (Instruction). He did exactly that, exactly as He said He would in 70 C.E.. He said the land would be desolate, and inhabited by another people for two thousand years. He did precisely that. He asked if a nation could come forth in a moment, or be born in one day? [Isaiah 66:8] On May 14, 1948 Israel became a nation, in one day. What other nation, in all of history has come back, to be resurrected after two thousand years of living in exile? Can we name another? The answer is quite simple. No!

The Creator will have His way. The Almighty also said, He would restore the perfect language (Hebrew) to His people, and He also said that Israel shall blossom as a rose. [ Isa. 27:6 & 35:1 ] What once was desert and unproductive dry land in Israel for the past two thousand years, under Arab habitation, is now lush, green, and productive farmland. Ironically, roses, and other flowers, are among Israel's chief exports. Coincidence we might ask? I don't believe so. Do we really think the desert is blossoming as a rose by coincidence, after our heavenly Father promised His people Israel, that He would not forget them? Hebrew is once again heard as the language spoken on the streets and houses in Israel. Can we name one other language restored after so many years? There are none. Some may say that the Almighty is not speaking about the Hebrew language in Zephaniah 3:9, but the timing of the prophesy, and the context of the surrounding verses makes that assumption absurd. 

The evidence is there before our very eyes. You can either harden your heart in rebellion, and refuse to see, or you can ask the Creator to open your eyes to His truth and make Himself real in your life. Know Yeshua, know Peace. No Yeshua, no Peace. It's your eternity. Choose wisely.

Shalom Ahlaychem,
Barry W. Gaugler

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Grace Abused (Part 3) The Love of G-d

I hear it all the time, and you probably do too. "How could a loving God, send people into a firey eternal hell?" Let me answer this question, by saying this: God most certainly does not send anyone to a fiery, eternal hell. As a matter of fact, He has done everything He could possibly do, to keep His children out of hell. If a person finds themselves in hell, it is because, they have sent themselves there. They have rejected God's way of salvation, through His only begotten (unique) son, Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ). They do this through the hardness of their own hearts, by failing to believe God, or by trusting in the false teachings of foolish men, deceived by lying devils. It is my prayer that all would just get to a quiet place, and get personal with the living God. With an honest heart, humble yourself before Him and ask Him to make Himself real to you, and reveal to you, the truth about Yeshua. ADONAI is a complete gentleman. He will never force Himself upon us, but by the same token, He will not withhold Himself from those, who humble themselves before Him, and seek Him with a sincere heart.

There is a world view that says, "God is love, and He loves all of us, because we are all God's children" Is that the Biblical view, or is that view a distortion of God's love presented in Scripture? God most certainly is love, but are we all children of our heavenly Father? The book of John, Chapter eight, portrays quite a different view. In v38, it says;

 "I speak that which I have seen of my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father."

Clearly there is a distinct difference between whom their father is. Then in v 41 & 42, we read this;

 "Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We are not born of fornication; we have one Father, God. Jesus said to them, If God were your father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me."

 It should be quite evident from the above passages, that not all people on earth are the children of our Father in heaven. Yeshua makes this perfectly clear in v 44a, where he says;

 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do." 

It should be perfectly clear from the statement of Yeshua's own lips, that many people are not the children of Elohim, but are of their father the devil. There is a different bloodline at work here, but I will speak of that at another time. (ADONAI willing.) Suffice it to say that we are saved by faith in the shed, sinless blood of Yeshua, breaking the sinful bloodline of Adam.

So, is God love, and does he love all His children? The answer is quite simply, a resounding "Yes!" Our heavenly Father loves His own. 1st John 4:7 & 8 says this; 

 " Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God: for God is love.

 I am compelled by the Ruach (Spirit) to ask this question. If we do not know our Father in heaven, how can we love Him? If we have a hatred in our hearts for those whom God loves, whether they be called Christians, Messianic Believers, or Jews, do we really think the love of God is active in our lives? Adonai's love is not the kind of love which this world knows. Adonai's love is pure. It is absolute, and it is certain. It is not some kind of here today and gone tomorrow love, as is the fickle so called love of humans. Some think that just because Yeshua died for our sins, that we are automatically going to heaven, no matter how we live our lives. We cannot get into heaven if we hold on to hatred and un-forgiveness in our lives. We are to love our brothers and sisters, and trust Yeshua to form His love in us, through  Ruach ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit). It is only through Him, that we are able to love as Yeshua loves. 1st John 5:2 & 3 says this;

 "By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous."  

Imagine that! Here is another place in the New Covenant that we are instructed to keep his commandments. Isn't it funny, how, even though we are under Grace, we are instructed to keep our Father's commandments. Notice, that if we love our Father in heaven, keeping his commandments are not grievous. In other words, they should be as natural to believers, as eating dinner, or loving one another. Are you striving to keep ADONAI's commandments, or are they a grievous burden upon your life? It quite possibly, might be time to check what spirit we may be walking in. I pray that we are walking in the love of Yeshua. It might be time to start reading the forgotten Hebrew Scriptures, to find out exactly what those commandments are. Remember this. The early believers did not have a New Testament to follow. It had not yet been written. They preached Yeshua clearly from the so called Old Testament. Imagine that!

(All Bible quotes from the KJV.)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

Barry W. Gaugler