Friday, December 14, 2012

Understanding The Shema

Understanding The Shema And The V'ahhavta L'rayahcha           

The Shema and the V'ahhavta L'rayacha are at the foundation of the Jewish faith and should very well be at the foundation of faith, for all who believe in the Jewish Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ). All of the Mitzvots (Commandments) of the Almighty, are summed up in these few words, which are called the greatest commandments. Indeed, in the ancient Jewish culture, it was recited twice a day, morning and night.  Most Orthodox and Conservative Jewish cultures, still do this today. The Sage Ramban comments,  "Its importance is indicated by the fact that the Torah places it immediately after the Ten Commandments." It is considered the very essence of Judaism.  In Mattityahu (Matthew) 22: 34–40, we read the following words;

 But the Pharisees, when they heard that Yeshua had silenced the Sadducees, gathered together in one place. And testing Him, one of them, a lawyer, asked, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Torah?" And He said to him, '"You shall love ADONAI your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'  The entire Torah and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.'"

Mattityahu (Matthew), only records this small portion of the Shema and the V'ahhavta L'rayahcha. However, in all probability, Yeshua recited the whole Shema, which would have been familiar to all Jews listening at that time. It has always been the custom among Jews to recite the Shema, exactly as it is still done today. It would only make sense, that Yeshua would speak it, in accordance to how the people of  His day understood it. I base this on the passage of Scripture found in The Gospel of  Yochanan (John) 21:25 which says;

 "And there are also many other things which Yeshua did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. A-men'."

It was their custom in that day, to understand a portion of Scripture, within the context, of which it was written. If we desire proper understanding of God's word, it is important  that we would view all of Scripture from this Hebraic perspective today. Therefore, it is most probable that Yeshua  spoke the complete Shema as it was written in D'Varim (Deuteronomy) 6: 4–9;

Hear O Israel (Shema Yisrael), the LORD is our God, the LORD is One. And you shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And have these words , which I command you this day, be upon your heart. And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and speak of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you retire, and when you arise. And you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand and let them be frontlets between your eyes. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gates:

Then the V'ahhavta L'rayahcha from Vayikra (Leviticus) 19:18 is recited as such;
And you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

I believe there is a vast amount of revelation contained in the words of the Shema that many people never seem to grasp. The Tanakh (Old Testament) and the B'rit Hadashah (New, or Refreshed Covenant), both revolve around the importance of understanding these few verses. These few words, are the glue that holds all of Scripture together and give it meaning. They are the core to understanding the love of the Almighty for His children. They show us, how we are to relate to Him, by allowing ourselves to be vessels, carrying His love to all mankind.

 I ask that Ruach Ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) would grant me the wisdom to explain these few verses, in such a manner, that the eyes of your understanding would be opened to what Ruach Elohim is saying in these times. In the name of  Yeshua Ha Mashiach and to the Glory of HaShem I pray. A-men.

Hear O Israel, (Shema Yisrael)
 The Hebrew word Shema is translated into the English as the word  Hear.  As, with almost every word in the Hebrew language, the true meaning is lost in the translation process. The word from the Hebrew means much more than just the sounds entering into the ears and being interpreted as words.  Shema means to pay attention in such a way, that the words enter into your very being and you would obediently respond to them. It means that you would carefully and attentively consider them. You would diligently discern them and allow them to enter into your heart, in such a manner that you would be joyfully obedient to them. You would not only do them, but you would be a witness to them. It means you will proclaim them and publishing them, to whosoever will listen. There is an action required once you hear.

The Lord is our God
 (I will use the term HaShem [The Name] in place of יהוה [Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey] so as not to offend our Jewish brothers and sisters.) HaShem is Eloheinu (Our G-d). This statement separates the Hebrew people from all other peoples of the world, as they are declaring that the G-d of Creation is their G-d. All of the surrounding cultures, at that time, were pagan, idol worshipers. The Hebrews were the only people, to whom, G-d had revealed Himself, at that time in history. Not because they were a great, or a mighty people, but because G-d chose to show His grace and mercy toward them.

The Lord is One,
  HaShem is One. HaShem is Echad ( אחד ) The word "Echad" is probably the most argued over word in all of Scripture. Its proper translation will probably be discussed until Messiah comes. The word Echad, as it is commonly used in Scripture, means, a composite unity. What is a composite unity? A good example of a composite unity is light. We may see light as white. However when that white light passes through a prism we can clearly see that it is made up of a rainbow of colors from infra-red to ultra-violet. We only see it as white, but there is more to it than what the eye can naturally see. Another example is the egg. It has a shell, the white and the yoke, but it is still one egg. Please understand that I am not trying to make a Trinitarian argument here. I am just stating the facts which properly define the word echad.

 Examples of this word used in Scripture are found in B'Resheet (Genesis) 2:24, where it says;

"Hence a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, so that they become one (echad) flesh."

It is obvious that the two people do not suddenly become one person, but that the Almighty looks upon them as one unit.  The word echad is also used in B'Midbar (Numbers)  13:24a, where it says;

"They came to the Eschkol Valley; and there they cut off a branch bearing one (echad) cluster of grapes, which they carried on a pole between two of them;

It should be evident from the context that there was not only one grape, but one cluster of grapes. Though there were many grapes, there was only one cluster. If the Almighty, had wanted to describe Himself as a single, solitary entity, there is a Hebrew word He could have used. That word is  יחיד  yachiyd [yaw-kheed'].   Yachiyd means; sole, solitary, only (as an only child, or an only son.) However, HaShem chose the word echad. Why? I do not claim to have the answer to all of the Almighty's mysteries. As stated in the Commentary of the Chumash Torah, "There is an inner harmony for all that He does, though human intelligence cannot comprehend what it is. This too, will be understood at the End of Days, when God's ways are illuminated." The Almighty will reveal, or manifest Himself as He pleases and I have committed myself to trusting in Him, not the wisdom of men. Men will find enough ways to create division. I will not play that game.

And you shall love the LORD your God, with all your heart,

 The heart is a metaphor for the center of all of our desires. All of our wants, our ambitions, our likes, our dislikes, all that we crave and all that we abhor are seated in our hearts. We are to love HaShem with all of our inclinations. He is to be constantly in our thoughts in everything we do, think or say. Our hearts are to be, so inclined towards our  Creator, that we would walk in obedience to Him in love and turn away from sin. If you are walking in a loving relationship with Ha Shem, His commandments will never be grievous. Instead, they are life, and most blessed.

With all your soul, and with all your might.

 Our soul is that portion of our being which makes us who we are. It contains our personality and our will. It is considered as the seat of the intellect. It is closely associated with the heart mentioned above. In a sense, it can be described as, our life. The soul has two things that influence its desires. The soul can be influenced by the natural (fleshly) desires which are associated with the things of this world. The natural man/woman was made from the dust of the earth and his/her natural inclinations are toward those things that come from the earth, from which they were made. This is the primary arena where HaSatan does his work by tempting us with lust for the things of this world. The lusts, appetites, and desires of our heart and soul are mostly directed towards the things of this earth. Food, drink, smells, feelings, sex, property and materialism all have their seat in the soul influenced by the natural man. The fleshly person always desires to please self.

The soul is also influenced by the Spirit that breathed life into us. Without the Spirit, there can be no life. The Almighty has given every living being a portion of His Spirit. Therefore, man/woman is composed of body, soul and spirit. The spirit is that portion of us that comes from the Almighty, and as the natural man is influenced by the earth from whence he came, the spirit communes with the Spirit from whence it came. Yochanan (John) 3: 5–6  reads thus; "Yeshua answered, 'Amen, amen I tell you, unless one is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. What is born of flesh is flesh, and what is born of Spirit is spirit.'"    All human beings have a sense for the Almighty, because we all have a portion of His Spirit dwelling in us. The Almighty's desire is for us to seek him with all our heart, all our soul and all our might, that our souls might live. You must love God, even if that means giving up our lives for His glory. G-d is to be above all.

And have these words, which I command you this day, be upon your heart. 

These words which God commands us, are to be upon your heart this day. Today you are to consider them. Today you are to approach them as though they were just given to you. They are to be new, fresh, alive and exciting every day of your life, for they are life. The commands are not to become stale, or burdensome.

And you shall teach them diligently to your children, 

It is the responsibility of every parent to diligently teach Torah, to every one of their children. You are not only to teach the Torah to your children, but also to any student, for whom you may be responsible. You are to teach by your example. A person demonstrates his devotion to Torah, by the priority he gives to teaching it to children. Many adults have erred in their youth, or before they came to the saving knowledge of Yeshua Ha Mashiach. Many have come out of the traditions of men, or the doctrines of devils. It is our responsibility to teach children of the pitfalls of this ungodly behavior and not be flippant about the transgression of Torah. We who know Messiah, are to be protectors of our children and defenders of Torah. We are to constantly bring the joy Torah before them in such a way as encourage them. That which is contrary to Torah is to be exposed as such. We are not to compromise with paganism, the ways of this world, or that which is contrary to Torah.

And speak of them when you sit in your house,

The focus of conversation in your home should be upon the Almighty, His Torah, and salvation through the shed blood of Yeshua Ha Mashiach. What has he done in your life in the past? What is He doing in your life right now? How has His provision been revealed to you?  How have you trusted in Him and what is the evidence that He is working in your midst? How has He kept you through difficult situations? How has He healed you? We are to avoid vain conversations, which profit nothing and focus upon HaShem and His son Yeshua.

When you walk by the way,

I have found that some of the best times to focus upon Torah and ADONAI Yeshua, is when my wife and I are walking by the way. It is our custom to walk for exercise and it is commonplace for our conversation to be centered upon ADONAI and what he has been doing in our lives. There is just something about walking under the sky above that seems to turn your thoughts upon HaShem. It doesn't matter if you are walking under clouds, a clear sky, or a star lit night. The conversation always seems to focus upon HaShem. I believe that is what He desires of us.

When you retire, and when you arise,

At the end of your day, it is comforting to dwell upon HaShem and what He has done for you throughout the day. It is a wonderful time to give Him thanks and ask for His protection  and Shalom (Peace) as you let down your guard and slumber. It is Jewish custom to recite the Shema twice a day. Once in the evening, when you retire and in the morning, when you arise. You complete your day thinking on Torah and your begin your thinking on Torah. Rabbi, Haamek Davar (1817-1893) had this to say concerning these words; "This verse is understood on two levels. For those who seek perfection, it is a call to study the Torah unceasingly, at all times and in every possible situation. But those who are not capable of this goal are commanded at the very minimum to recite the Shema morning and night."

And you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand and let them be frontlets between your eyes.

During the Old Testament times and even to this day, Orthodox Jewish people have the Shema written down in boxes called tefillin or phylacteries which are worn on their upper arms with leather straps wrapped around their forearms down to the hand. They also do the same thing with another box worn between the eyes just above the hairline. If you have ever seen pictures of Jewish people praying at the Wailing Wall, you may have noticed them. Most New Covenant believers do not wear tefillin, (They may be seen in some Messianic Congregations) but we are to be reminded of Torah with all the work of our hands and the Torah is to be ever present before us. We are to have Torah in mind wherever our eyes seem to wander. Our thoughts are to ever be upon the Almighty and His commandments.

And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates;

Many Jewish families, place a mezuzah upon the doorpost of their houses. It is a little box with a parchment inside with the Shema written upon it. This is done in obedience to this commandment. People also place them upon their gates for the same reason. It is there as a constant reminder to have Torah upon your mind during your coming in  and your going out. His word is to be constantly carried within our hearts.

The Shema closes with the words of the V'ahhavta L'rayahcha from Vayikra (Leviticus) 19:18,

And you should love your neighbor as yourself.
Does that statement really need further explanation?

Shalom Ahlaychem,
Barry W. Gaugler

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Struggling With The Name (Controversy Warning)

From times, even before I became a believer in Yeshua as my savior, I have known about the struggle believers were having with the actual name of Avinu shabashamyim (our Father in heaven). I guess it first came to my attention when the Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door.  I was in total ignorance of what they were talking about. They tried to tell me that the Tetragrammaton, or  יהוי  (Yod, Hey, Vav [Wah for some folks], Hey) in Hebrew was pronounced Jehovah. I was totally ignorant about it at that time. I bought into it for several years.

 Having always been an avid reader, I saw many things written over time using the name Jehovah. So, I never gave it much thought. I just assumed they were correct, even though I did not agree with them in almost every area of doctrine. I left it at that. However, soon after I became a believer in Yeshua, things started to change. I started doing my own comprehensive research and discovered a whole bunch of controversy surrounding the actual name of Avinu shabashamyim. Long before I had ever stepped into a Messianic congregation, I became well aware of the use of the name Yahweh, Yehovah and the (supposed) certain curse upon you for using this name. However, nobody ever gives a second thought about saying Halleluyah!

It all goes back to the Rabbinical era. The ban was put in place, in order to prevent people, from using the LORD's name in vain. Because of this man-made tradition, many today are afraid to use His name for fear of pronouncing it wrong or using it irreverently. That, they believe would somehow displease the Almighty and he would curse them.

 Let me interject something right here which I believe is very important. In Hebrew, a name has much more meaning than it does in other cultures. It's much more than just a moniker, or identifier like Bill, Harry, or Steve. In Hebrew, a name is meant to portray a person's character or authority. It is their personal attributes which distinguish them apart from all others. It's who they are. It is much more than just how they are identified. Not only is it what they are called, but it is attributed to their character, their authority, or what they represent. So, if you are taking the LORD's name in vain, you are actually blaspheming His character and authority. Understand this. Whatever you do that is contrary to the character of our Father in heaven is taking His name in vain. It kind of gives it a whole new meaning.

Proverbs 30:8-9
King James Version (KJV)
Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:
Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.

 Do you steal? Do you commit adultery? Do you lie? These are all against the character of our heavenly Father. So, we can be using the Almighty's name in vain, and never even speak it. It's all about our heart attitude towards our Father in heaven.

I am forced to ask some questions that should be obvious, but for some reason, they are never asked. Is יהוה our heavenly Father? If we believe He is our heavenly Father, do we really think He is going to be angry with us for not pronouncing His name exactly correct, especially if we are humbling ourselves before Him in prayer? I ask the fathers of little children. Do we become angry with these little ones because they do not know how pronounce names our correctly? My name is Barry. Do you think it upsets me one little iota if my little grand children call me Gram Pa Bowie? Do we really think that our heavenly Father is so stuffy that He is going to be angry if we don't get His name exactly right? Scripture cannot be any clearer that our Avinu shabashamyim wants us to call upon His name. Men's traditions have hidden His name and there are plenty of Scriptures that tell us that this is not pleasing to our heavenly Father. Here are just a few translated literally.

Ezekiel 39:6­–8;
"I will send a fire against Magog and against those dwelling securely in the coasts: and the nations shall know that I (am) יהוה. And my Holy name will I make known in the midst of my people Israel. And I will let not my Holy name be profaned anymore and the nations shall know that I (am) יהוה  the Holy one in Israel. Behold, it is come and it is done states ADONAI   הוהי; This is the day I have spoken."

Psalm 91:14–15;
"Because he has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him."

Jeremiah 16: 19–21;
"O יהוה my strength and my stronghold, my refuge in the day of distress, to you the nations shall come from the ends of the earth and say, Only lies have inherited our fathers, vanity, and in them is no profit. Can man make for himself gods? But they are not gods! Therefore, behold, I will make them to know, I will make them to know my hand and My might. And they will know that My name is יהוה ."

Jeremiah 23:25–27;
"I have heard what the prophets said that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; Which to think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell to every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Ba'-al."

Notice: They have forgotten the name Yahweh יהוה for Ba'-al. Do we think Avinu shabashamyim meant for His name to be forgotten?  From reading these Scriptures and many more, (Psalm 72: 18 & 19, 2nd Samuel 6:18, 1st Chronicles 16:2, Nehemiah 9:5, Job 1:21, Psalm 89:15 & 16, just to mention a few) it should become clear that our heavenly Father never intended for His name to be forgotten. He never meant for His Holy name to be substituted with Ba'-al, LORD, Ha Shem, or God.

 He has a name. I don't believe He is all that critical if we pronounce it Yahweh, YeHoVeH, YaHaVaH, YaHuWaH or anything similar. Nobody knows the proper placement of the vowels, nor do we know exactly the proper pronunciation. Those who claim to know are fooling themselves and are themselves following after man made doctrines. They usually are especially adamant about this and usually create very much heat while giving off very little light.

 Avinu shabashamyim is concerned with the condition of your heart. Not the pronunciation of His name rolling off your tongue. The point is this. Do you have reverence for the name? The time has come in these last days that we start walking in the freedom that Messiah Yeshua has given us and put away the fears brought upon us by the doctrines of men. Show me the Scriptures that say I should not say the name Yahweh, or however you believe it is pronounced. I can't find any.

Barry W. Gaugler

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What On Earth Is Going On With Israel?

At the present time, it seems, as though all the world's eyes are upon Israel. Especially if you are of the world's Jewish Community, a Bible Believing Christian, or a Bible Believing Messianic/Hebrew Roots Believer. There is even a lot of interest from among the unbelieving population, who may have a sense that something is going on, that is different from former times. I must confess, that I have been a student of  Bible prophecy for the better part of my life. I have seen and heard many false prophetic claims, to times and dates, as to when Armageddon would begin, or when Yeshua (Jesus) would return. I assure you, that is not the purpose of this article. It is however, a wakeup call, for people to get their heads out of the sand and get yourselves into the center of Adonai's will for your life.

 I believe with all of my being that we are living in the final days. Am I predicting Armageddon, or  Messiah's return? Absolutely not!  Do I believe it is at hand? I most certainly do. How close? I don't know, and I make no claims to knowing, but I can say it is close. It is closer than most will want to believe. All I can do, is give God's children the warnings, I believe, are present in these times.

 As of this writing, another cease fire has been declared and the rockets have temporarily ceased falling upon Israel. Will this cease fire last? Judging from history, I can emphatically say, "No way!"  It just gives Hamas (which is translated violence) time to re-arm and re-group themselves, for their next round of violence and propaganda, at a later time. I believe, this has all been a smokescreen to take attention away from Iran, and their nuclear program, which is nearly complete.

 So, then why am I writing this? Am I trying to scare people? Absolutely not. I am trying to prepare God's people for what is on the horizon. I can only sound the alarm, but I cannot bring you out of your sleep. I am only one watchman on the wall among many others, blowing the shofar as loudly as we possibly can, but if the people hearing the blast refuse to respond to it, their blood is on their own hands. We have done what our Lord has commissioned us to do. Our hands are clean.

I call my blogs,  "The Ominous Cloud" for a specific reason. I am warning God's people of the approaching storm. Not a storm tied to the weather, but a spiritual storm that is about to come upon the whole earth. When there is a hurricane, or tornado  approaching, you would be wise to heed the warnings of the National Weather Service, and prepare for the worse. When there is a tornado approaching, there is always an ominous cloud before the actual tornado hits, and one would be wise to find shelter immediately. Many times, people in the direct path of a storm decide to sit it out, and even have hurricane parties. I can remember in my lifetime, where this foolishness proved a fatal mistake for many people. Hurricane Camille in the year 1969 comes to mind. A total of 259 people lost their lives during that storm, and a great number of the dead, not only failed to heed the warnings, but stayed in beach hotels and town houses to party.

God has been telling us through His written word that there is a storm coming, and He has been telling us, what we are to be watching for? How can we know the times and the seasons? Is there an accurate timetable given in Scripture? I believe there is. Can we know the day and the hour in which these things will occur? Not really. So, why bother? Because, Yeshua told us to be watching and praying. In Luke 21: 34–36, Yeshua says;

"But watch out so your hearts are not weighed down by carousing, strong drink, and the worries of life. Do not let that day come upon you suddenly like a trap. For it will come rushing upon all who live on the face of the whole earth. But stay alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things about to happen, and to stand before the Son of Man."  (Tree of Life NT)

Yeshua's warning is clear. We are to be alert at all times. For the most part, from what I can see, is that people called by the name of Yeshua are anything but alert. They are not praying (The actual word in the Greek "δεομενοι" translated as praying shows a condition of begging.), and sadly, most are not even watching. I recently saw a survey that said, less than 6% of all who call themselves Christians have read the whole Bible. Less than 40% go to services every week and less than 48% pray every day. Would you call that being ready? It is quite obvious, that many, who call themselves believers, are so wrapped up in their everyday lives, that they are not paying attention, to the very thing, for which Yeshua told us to be watching. 

We are living in dangerous times. Can we really trust prophesy to be an accurate indication of what is to come. I believe history itself confirms the accuracy of prophesy. Consider these prophecies in Scripture and compare them to what actually happened concerning Israel. In the 26th chapter of Leviticus, verses 1–13, God is telling the Hebrew people how He will bless them, if they will keep His commandments, and set their hearts after His ways. Then, from verse 14 on, He warns them what He will do if they do not heed His commandments. Leviticus 26: 31–33 gives this prophesy;

"I will lay waste your cities and make your sanctuaries desolate, so as not to smell your fragrant aromas. I will desolate the land, so that your enemies living in it will be astounded by it. You I will disperse among the nations, and I will draw out the sword in pursuit after you; your land will be a desolation and your cities a wasteland."  (CJB)

In 70 C.E., God did exactly, as He said He would do. The Jewish people turned their back on His mitzvots (commandments), and sought after idols, to cancel His covenant with them. Jerusalem was sacked, their cities were laid waste, their Temple was destroyed, the sacrifices ceased, and God scattered the Jewish people into all the nations of the world. The Jewish people have been persecuted under the sword for almost 2000 years, and Israel has been a desert wasteland, for almost that whole period of time. However, in verses 44 and 45 God has this to say to His people Israel;

"Yet , in spite of all that, I will not reject them when they are in the lands of their enemies, nor will I loathe them to the point of utterly destroying them and thus break my covenant with them, because I am ADONAI their God. Rather, for their sakes, I will remember the covenant of their ancestors whom I brought out of the land of Egypt –– with the nations watching –– so that I might be their God; I am ADONAI."   (CJB)

On May 14, 1948, on the day in which the British Mandate over a Palestine expired, the Jewish People's Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum, and approved the following proclamation, declaring the establishment of the State of Israel. The new state was recognized that night by the United States and three days later by the USSR. In other words, a nation was born at once. It happened exactly as God Almighty said it would. Did God only say that he would return them to the land and that's it? Of course not! God also gave other prophesies, as to what He would do when He returned them back into the land. The land would rejoice at their return and no longer be unproductive, as it had been for two thousand years of Arabs inhabiting the land. Joy and singing would once again return to the land. For almost two thousand years, the voices of joy and singing were not heard in Jerusalem as the Jewish people were not permitted to celebrate their God appointed feasts there. However, Isaiah 35: 1 & 2a,  promised this;

"The wilderness and the solitary place will be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing."   (KJV)

It is evident to every person who has visited Israel in the past fifty years, or so, or has ever looked at recent pictures of the land that God has kept this promise. Israel is an agricultural miracle. Not only was it prophesied that the land would blossom as a rose, but roses and lilies are two of Israel's major agricultural exports. What other prophesies has God fulfilled in our lifetimes that confirm  God has His hand in what is happening among His people Israel? What about the Hebrew language?  Zephaniah 3:9 says;

"For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent."   (KJV)

As we all know,  Hebrew (the world's oldest language) is now spoken again in the homes, streets and businesses of Israel. For centuries, it was only spoken in the synagogues, but was not the language of the people on the streets. However, God said he would restore it and He did. Some may say that the Hebrew spoken today is not the same as ancient Hebrew. Where is the evidence? If God restores something, He restores it completely. Can you name any other language that has ever been restored after being a dead language for 2000 years? Then, there is this prophesy concerning the city of  Jerusalem found in Zechariah 12:3;

"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered against it."

The United Nations has been trying for years to declare Jerusalem an international city. One year to the day that Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs released this statement: "The Government of Japan deplores the decisions of the Government of Israel to give permission for the construction of 1,600 housing units in East Jerusalem...Japan demands that the plans should not be implemented." Japan was struck with its worst earthquake and tsunami in history.

This was the first time Japan used such strong language about Israeli settlements. The earthquake should also serve as a warning to president Obama, whose State Department on March 13th, 2010 condemned Israeli plans to build 500 new West Bank homes as "illegitimate." On August 23rd, 2011, Washington D.C. was also hit by an earthquake.

Within 48 hours after President George W Bush substantially pressured Ariel Sharon into forcing Jewish settlers from Gaza in August 2005, the first signs of Katrina were swirling in the ocean.  (Source: Bill Wilson ­– Word of Life Ministry)

It should be plain that when God spoke to Abram in Genesis 12:3 and told him,  He would bless those who bless him (and his descendants) and He would curse those who curse him (and his descendants), God said what He meant and He meant what he said. It is clear that God is speaking to Abram in person, but His purpose is to extend this unto Abraham's seed for all eternity. God's word is eternal. What He says stands for all eternity. History has born this to be truth, far too many times, for it to be mere coincidence. Can you think of any country in history that came against the Hebrew people that was not brought down into irrelevance? You can be certain that prophesy is given by God, who knows the end from the beginning of the matter. Isaiah 46: 9 & 10 declares this truth;

"Remember the former things of old: for I am God and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from the ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying my counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure."

Without understanding Bible Prophesy, there can be no proper understanding of Biblical truth. All of the New Testament points back to what has already been said in the Tanakh (Old Testament). The Tanakh points ahead to Yeshua. The early believers did not even have the New Testament, but they did have the Hebrew Scriptures and the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit). It was enough for the synagogues and ekklesia (called out congregations) to spread the Gospel into all the known world. They did it through the demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit. Today, we have the New Testament and the doctrines of men, but we have no power. Having a form of godliness, we deny the power thereof. All of the Scriptures, Old and New point to the eminent return of Adonai Yeshua. We would do well to heed them. Watch and Pray. Bo Yeshua Bo. Come Yeshua Come. Even so, Maranatha.

Barry W. Gaugler

Monday, November 19, 2012

Is Grace Contrary To Keeping Torah?

When Messianic / Hebrew Roots Believers are in conversation with Christians concerning the Torah, or the Tanakh (Old Testament) the common response by Christians is usually;  "I have Jesus, and that's all I need." That, to a certain extent is true. For example: Suppose one goes to church, and gives their life to Jesus, and on the way home from church, they are killed in an automobile accident. This is an example, of where all they need is Jesus. Just as the thief on the cross recognized Yeshua as Messiah, and trusted in Him at the very end of his life, that is all he needed. However, that is not usually the case. Giving your life to Yeshua, always requires you to grow in your faith, and turn from the desires of your sinful, fleshly nature. Since the Ruach ha Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) is constantly writing Torah upon our hearts, there should be a natural desire within a believer to repent of his/her old ways and desire to walk as Messiah walked. Lack of growth is a certain sign that your conversion was not real. When a child is born, do we expect that child to remain in a state of infancy, well into their teens, and into adult life? Of course not. We expect growth and maturity, and if it does not come, we know, beyond any doubt, there is something wrong. A child is always expected to move on from milk, to eating solid food. It is the natural order of things. Salvation by Grace is only the beginning of our walk with Yeshua. Ephesians 2: 8 – 10 gives us the proper theology of salvation through grace. It reads thus:

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not from yourselves – it is a gift of God. It is not based on deeds, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship – created in Messiah Yeshua  for good deeds, which God prepared beforehand so we might walk in them."  (Tree of Life - New Testament)

Many intentionally miss the last portion of this, in order to declare that we do not need Torah today. But examine it a little closer, and one can clearly see that the first portion says that we are saved by grace. However, the second part, the part many usually shy away from, as though it is not there, is usually read quickly and quietly, as though it is not very important. It is clear, that if we are truly saved, we are His workmanship. Whose workmanship are we? Our heavenly Fathers. We are created in Messiah Yeshua for good deeds, which were prepared beforehand, so we might walk in them. What are these good deeds that were prepared beforehand, that we might walk in them? The Torah. The Torah is given to us beforehand, by the Almighty, that we might know the lifestyle which is pleasing to Him.

Many insist, that as Christians, they are not required to live by Torah. Is this true? Do you really think that the Torah, which was given to the Hebrew people as a standard of righteousness, no longer applies to Christians? Many Christians are quick to point to Acts 15: 19, 20 & 28, 29, as proof that they do not need to observe Torah once they are saved. Is that the proper interpretation, as to what is going on in this text?  Let's read it in  context with the rest this chapter.  Let's look at Acts 15: 19 and 20, Where it says;

"Therefore I judge not to trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God ­­–– but to write to them to abstain from the contamination of idols, and sexual immorality, and from what is strangled, and from blood."  (Tree of Life NT)

The KJV renders the word "turning"  from the Greek επιστρεφοuσιν in the past tense (turned). This is incorrect as the word is a verb showing action in the present tense. The NIV, NEB, NRSV, NKJV and the CJB all render it correctly, as does the Tree of Life quoted above. Notice, that these Gentiles are turning to God. What was their previous condition? What are they turning to God from? They were formerly pagans involved in idol worship? They are turning to God from paganism, which was the common religious practice of the day.

I am forced to ask this question, from the context, within which, these verses are written. Where are these Gentiles going to hear the Gospel, and on what day are they going there? Verse 21 gives us the answer. It says;

"For Moses from ancient generations had in every city those who proclaim him, since he is read in the synagogues every Shabbat."  (Tree of Life NT)

Notice that the Gentiles are going into the synagogues to hear Moses proclaimed, and the message of salvation during Shabbat. But wait a minute! Gentiles are not permitted to enter the synagogues. So how are they hearing this message in the synagogues, during Shabbat, if they are not permitted to enter the synagogue in the first place? If one compares this passage with Leviticus Chapters 17 - 20, it becomes evident that these same requirements are placed upon the Foreigners/Strangers/Gentiles, who desire to live  among the commonwealth of Israel. The minimum requirements, for the strangers among the Israelites, to be in fellowship with them, are the same ones mentioned here. No idol worship. No sexual immorality. No eating what dies of itself, or is strangled, and no eating anything with its blood. The object here, is to not place obstacles in front of these formerly pagan people, so that they will be able to hear the Good News, and that they may be in fellowship with the Jewish believers. They will have time later, to learn the moral regulations, given by the Almighty through Moses, as they grow in understanding and faith.

We need to understand salvation from an ancient Hebrew perspective if we are to fully understand it.  We also need to reject the Greco / Roman concept of salvation, which is based in the traditions of men, and the doctrines of devils. After being saved, it should be our heart's desire to please our heavenly Father, and keep his Torah. How can we say that we are truly saved, if His Torah is not written upon our hearts?

 Does our heavenly Father save us because we keep His commandments? No! We are saved by grace, and grace alone through faith in Yeshua the Messiah. Should we keep our Father's commandments, because we are saved? Most certainly. It is only by walking in the Spirit, that we can fulfill Torah in our lives. Some may say that the Torah is the opposite of grace. That is simply misguided. Torah and Grace work together like a muscle and a joint. One without the other is useless. Legalism, not Torah, is the opposite of Grace. Salvation was never earned by keeping Torah. The children of Israel were always saved by grace. Legalism is the concept of earning salvation by being "good enough." Legalism does not work, for the simple reason that no one can be good enough. For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

So are Torah and Grace against, or should I say, contrary to each other?  Perhaps I should ask this question another way. Are Moses and Yeshua against each other? Most certainly not. So where did this idea come from? The King James Version of the Bible (which is the most familiar, most quoted, and most respected English version) renders John 1:17 in the following manner;

 "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."

Notice the word "but." in the KJV? It is in italics. The reason it is in italics, is because it does not exist in the original Greek manuscripts. Neither does it exist in the original 1611 version of the King James Bible. It has been added in an attempt, to either clarify the verse, in order to make it more understandable, or it was added in order to forward the already established Protestant doctrines of grace. However, it has actually clouded the meaning. Instead of joining Yeshua to Moses, it separates them. Instead of grace and truth making Torah complete, it masks the importance of Torah, and makes it appear, as though grace and truth can stand alone, without Torah.

 Perhaps, I can explain the difference by describing a wedding cake. If I say for instance: "Sue baked a cake; Alice did the icing and decorating." You would immediately understand from this statement, that Sue and Alice were working together, and both their efforts were of equal importance. However, if I say: "Sue baked a cake, but Alice did the icing and decorating." The emphasis immediately transfers from Sue's baking the cake, to Alice, and the icing and the decorating. Immediately the icing and decorating appears to be more important than the cake, as though the icing and decorations would work without the cake. The cake is the foundation upon which the icing and decorations have their purpose. It completes the desires, of  both parties involved. In the same manner, Torah is the foundation upon which grace and truth are built, to complete the plan of the Almighty. One can never be complete without the other, and both their efforts are considered too have equal value. Yeshua could not work without the foundation built by Moses. Moses, on the other hand, could not build the foundation without having the sure expectation of Messiah Yeshua completing the work.

Our Father in Heaven. Blessed be your name above all others for all eternity. I pray that you would open our eyes to the truths that are right there before us in your  Scriptures, but have been masked, hidden, or distorted by the deceiver over these past centuries. Reveal to us where your words have been added to, subtracted from, changed, or mistranslated. Deliver us from the traditions of men and the doctrines of devils. Quicken us by your Ruach (Spirit). Cause us to search your words, and be taught of you. Cause the scales to fall from our eyes, that we may recognize the Biblical Yeshua, and not fall for false messiahs, or be deceived by false prophets and teachers. Bring to our hearts an urgency to find you in these last days, that many would come to know you through the word of our testimony, and through our daily walking upright before you. Glorify yourself in your people. In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach I pray. Amen.

Shalom Ahlaychem,
Barry W. Gaugler