Friday, January 16, 2015

Prophesies for This Present Age

Right now there is a prophetic area of discussion going on that many of us are seeing occur over and over again throughout the whole community of believers in Messiah. Many, from different walks of life, are mentioning these exact same prophesies in different terms and expressed in different ways. However, they are the exact same visions. I­ am certainly not the only watchman on the wall sounding these warnings to God's people in this present age. The prophesies being seen and heard are all having the same theme. Personally, I don't believe in coincidence. Everything is done according to the plan of the Almighty, and He is sending a clear warning to His people.

In Amos 3:7, God makes this fact perfectly clear:  Adonai, God, does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. (CJB)

Whether you consider those of us speaking these things to be prophets, or not, is completely irrelevant. We have a commission to fulfill. Our calling is from the Almighty, and it is not dependent upon whether or not the masses recognize our calling. It is to be understood that our calling is to be watchmen (and women) on the wall. If that fits into the category of being a prophet, then so be it. However, the cry is coming from far too many mouths to ignore as mere coincidence.

Dangerous times are ahead, and they are going to start coming to pass in this present year. Several older people have been having dreams like never before. Passages of Scripture are coming forward, seemingly, out of the blue. They are always concerning the days ahead. I'm hearing the same thing coming from others and all of our dreams and Scriptures seem to be lining up in agreement. Something enormously prophetic is about to happen.

Many will scoff at these warnings and not take them to heart, but they will do so to their own harm.  Many are going to suffer greatly in the months to come. I am talking about suffering like you may have never imagined. God is going to try His people to show us of what we are made.  He is saying to us, "Don't give up!" Things are going to happen which will cause many to ask, "How could God allow this to happen to His people?" He is saying, "Do not become offended in Me."  There will soon be a removal of the tares from His congregation. You may feel as though God has abandoned you and ask yourself, "Why is God not answering my prayers?" Don't give into the temptation of believing that He is not there. He is saying to His people, "Seek Me with your whole heart while I am yet be found. Do not turn to your own understanding. Trust in Me and do not waver. I am in charge, and I know what I am doing. Only trust."

We are going to see things that will be very unsettling in the months to come. We are going to be witness to atrocities like we had never imagined could happen in a civilized nation. Prepare yourself.  Know that these things must happen for God to get our attention and turn our thoughts to Him. He wants us to turn to Him, and Him alone, for our provisions. It is no longer a matter of, it might be coming. It is coming! Trust Him. All of our strength must be supplied by Him. Too many are speaking these warnings by Ruach Elohim (the Spirit of God) to ignore them. Some of us have been saying these things for several years, but we have never sensed the urgency like we have lately. This is not a joke. It is as real as a brick wall. Come out of your slumber. The time is at hand.

Barry W. Gaugler

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